Gangster Squad and Singham
Yesterday I was watching MN+ through reliance jio network in my new opp phone. I was watching the movie Gangster Squad a 2013 film. It was an ultimate action cut police movie. It was a fight against the criminals by the sordid officer choosing the able cops to shoot and eliminate the criminals.
"Ones he use the word tomorrow they will take my badge till that I am police" attracted me. The same very words were used in the Singham! I didn't know how singham was made, but after seeing this movie I am confident this movie is a inspiration.
Some times we forget the way we are going and become addicted to the bad habits. Habits as the name suggests once occupied becomes difficult to come out of it if it is bad. Some times movies like these disturb the real soul with in one self to fight for the justice and nationality in true sense with pride.