Fidel Castro

I was attracted to his ideologies and Gorilla tactics to free and save the indigenous people from the foreign occupants and tyranny. I was attracted to his charisma of beard and cigar. Bay of pigs story was not less than any fiction. the great Fidel surviving the US attempts of assassination was not an unknown thing. Fidel ensured that he kept the US at the bay. Fidel irrespective of ideology taught the Cubans the success of own Government, own industry and power of Unity. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on August 13, 1926 and died on November 25,2016. Fidel was the best friend of India. He was the best and foremost. Communist world lost one of their great comrade. He visited India during the Indira Gandhi reign. Fidel Castro shall rest in peace, Your body might physically vanished but you are immortal in the hearts of people who love you and your name will create more Fidel Castro whe...