Simply writing at an bad end of the road

            How long a person can think negatively.? I don't know the answer for this question. But right now I am writing what ever thoughts came to my mind.  There is a saying empty mind is a devil workshop. I always wished to keep myself busy in one or the other way.  I don't know why I feel so much lonely., Always I feel when others are earning more what makes me to earn less  than or more than them. Why I always end up like an sentimental fool. Why I wish look at the brightness of the white than the color available with me.  Some times it is hard to digest the thinking words of the maiden thinkers of the near by vicinity.

         Always tried to be the best among the best. miserably failed to even stand close to the podium. I tried ran hard and hard but the black mark never left me. The positive thinking is the force beyond sustenance.  How long I can creep on to the Facebook games. How long I could keep others running from schedule and not able to stand right up and tell them you are doing wrong. Possibly I am corrupt in the sense of my ex officers who looted with the color xerox vouchers and corrupted the system. It's like George Orwell - Animal Farm Äll animals are equal But some animals are more equal than others.

      I wish to keep on writing what ever comes into my mind. One fine day I might be able to write something more than 100 words, more than 2 para write into depth of the knowledge of the source of some thing. Not able to keep the mind on the set of foot and do the daily routing things. I don't have amnesia. But still the situations makes me to forget the things.


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