


sixth sense

'ಸೀಕ್ಸ್ಥ್ ಸೆನ್ಸ್' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. How to develop your sixth sense Everyone has it. Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive. This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body. Nothing to fear. The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons. Thanks to the media and to religion, it has been misrepresented and as a resul

Being Elder

One thing u remembers, being elder means not just giving money. Younger one needs much more, love affection, care when he is in distress, understand his feelings, be supportive when they are down. Be supportive rather than oppressive. While one needs to know what he is talking, the force with which one is talking. • Why he/she came late home? • Why he/she is gloomy? • Why he is taking wrong way knowingly?...... • This is human world. If you behave like other money minters, status quotient guys who keep away their blood lines away. The day u realize what u really lost u can not even imagine.

Another day

i went to mama and aththe , in the afternoon. i must have gone their in the evening. i went upside slept, priya came and woke me up. I got up instantly. friends od mama came from village. then mama and we moved towards aunt house. we got into some auto he was not ready to collect the amount through meter. i was move. he then agreed. mama came to sit in the middle. he was the driver who helped aunt family to move the baggages. mama gave 50 rs, to bring bananas, and flowers. i went to give back the dress material to ru sister. she opened the door. she was telling many sales executives. I said bangalore has becoe fearful place to stay. cha went to dance class. ru gave me dosa. i ate 2 , then i told i will leave. current gone. i said bye and left the house. went to get some fruits. onion rate was Rs.26an Rs. 28 . then went to nearby medical shop. collected medicine for aththe. went back to aunt home. mama gave me Rs.50. talked with sri. he showed me his criket crazy website. www.criksr

Another day

i went to mama and aththe , in the afternoon. i must have gone their in the evening. i went upside slept, priya came and woke me up. I got up instantly. friends od mama came from village. then mama and we moved towards aunt house. we got into some auto he was not ready to collect the amount through meter. i was move. he then agreed. mama came to sit in the middle. he was the driver who helped aunt family to move the baggages. mama gave 50 rs, to bring bananas, and flowers. i went to give back the dress material to ru sister. she opened the door. she was telling many sales executives. I said bangalore has becoe fearful place to stay. cha went to dance class. ru gave me dosa. i ate 2 , then i told i will leave. current gone. i said bye and left the house. went to get some fruits. onion rate was Rs.26an Rs. 28 . then went to nearby medical shop. collected medicine for aththe. went back to aunt home. mama gave me Rs.50. talked with sri. he showed me his criket crazy website. www.criksr

Get Together

I rang bell Uma opened the door. Kir was doing some computer work. When I entered room Vij and nj were astonished for my address accuracy. One wrong thing I did was I should not have sat on the chair; instead I must have sat with my friends. Daya came, I saw him after quite a gap. He was tall, masculine in built. We sat together. Good feeling it was. I really surprised to see you, when you stepped into the room. He didn’t mention about your arrival. If he had told me in our previous conversation, I would not have gone their. When amshu came I thought of going away, telling some reason. Possible reasons: I was not dressed properly, I was with big moustache and beard I was out of job Of course I stayed. Then u know it, I waved my broken hand. I observed surprise in your eyes. You asked me, what are you doing now/ I told I m at home. Ur eyes told it all. Quite interesting Nith came in, we had discussion. I was the only non working friend in friends group. We were prep

Being addicting to something is very easy ................

............The term "addiction" is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive psychological dependence, such as: drug addiction (e.g. alcoholism, nicotine addiction), problem gambling, crime, money, work addiction, compulsive overeating, credit card addiction, compulsive debting, computer addiction, video game addiction, pornography addiction, television addiction, etc. In medical terminology, an addiction is a chronic neurobiologic disorder that has genetic, psychosocial, and environmental dimensions and is characterized by one of the following: the continued use of a substance despite its detrimental effects, impaired control over the use of a drug (compulsive behavior), and preoccupation with a drug's use for non-therapeutic purposes (i.e. craving the drug).[1] Addiction is often accompanied by the presence of deviant behaviors (for instance stealing money and forging prescriptions) that are used to obtain a drug.[citation It is