sixth sense

'ಸೀಕ್ಸ್ಥ್ ಸೆನ್ಸ್'
is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
How to develop your sixth sense
Everyone has it.
Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive.
This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body.
Nothing to fear.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons.
Thanks to the media and to religion, it has been misrepresented and as a result, people associate the spirit world with fear and trepidation.
A person has more to fear going to their car in the parking lot after work than from those souls in the spirit world. Contrary to the media’s misrepresentations, those in spirit do not have physical bodies to carry out evil deeds like some thug in a parking lot.
It is scientific.
Every human being is equipped from birth with what they need to communicate with the spirit world from where they came, and to where they will eventually go when they give up their physical body.
This is the same scientific phenomenon that works in the transmission of electronic information such as the television or radio. These require that you tune into a particular band or frequency to get the program that you want. The sixth sense is similar in that it requires tuning in to another person’s frequency or to the frequency of someone in the spirit world.
Electronic tuning is done through electronic means that is mechanical in nature. Spiritual tuning is done through the brain with mental focus, intent and desire being the means.
Mental tuning.
Although, tuning by mental focus is inconsistent and capricious, while electronic tuning is reliable, consistent and tangible, it is no less scientific. The difference being that psychic and medium communication is in its infancy as far as future development goes. It has a scientific basis for its manifestation because all things that happen work according to scientific laws, even by laws that haven’t been discovered yet. Consider technology that we take for granted, anyone that would have predicted one hundred years ago where we would be today, would have been laughed to scorn. So it is with mediums and communication with the so-called dead, it is a science in its infancy.
You’ve already had contact.
One doesn’t have to be a practiced medium or an ordained saint to make contact with the souls from the spirit world. At one time or another, everyone that is alive today has seen them, heard from them, been touched by them, smelled them, either while in the waking state or through a dream. Those that can’t recall having the experience are not aware of the signs or, because of fear and ignorance programmed through religion, are in denial. This is the first step in development of your sixth sense, recognizing the times that you have been touched by those in the spirit world.
There are several components to each dream category:

Dreams from the physical body Dreams from the spiritual realm
Psychological Precognitive and future
New information or knowledge
The deceased or spirit guides visit you.

Food: Did you ever notice that when you take a nap after you’ve eaten lunch that you can have some crazy images go through your mind. The same thing happens at night too, because food can trigger some wild and wacky dreams. If you enjoy these psychedelic excursions, then take note of what you had to eat before hand and repeat the process. On the other hand, if you’re not interested, then take note of what you ate and make certain to avoid eating whatever it was. Food is one of the generators of dreams, which are not worth interpreting.
Health Your subconscious knows a lot about you that you don’t, or maybe don’t care to know. Often times it will tell you something about your practices or lifestyle to tip you off about what its needs are. In dreams it tries to get the point across to you, sometimes politely, at other times not so.
Psychology: Stressful relationships and social situations can cause our mind to get out of kilter but our subconscious intervenes to straighten things out.
Dreams from the spiritual world

Those special visits, instructions, lessons and guidance that we receive that are sometimes (but not always) interwoven with one of those mundane dreams your body generates. They are hidden and disguised because you are not supposed to know where the information is coming from. Like it’s a big secret. You are led to think that you dreamed up all those unique thoughts and ideas all by your little ol’ self. The bad news is that they occur much less frequently than the run of the mill physical dreams. The good news is that when you do experience them, you get the feeling that something special has occurred. Even if you can’t figure out what it means, there is a profound sense of purpose or message behind it. When experienced, they become landmarks in many people’s lives leaving them with a permanent and unforgettable impression of otherworldliness embedded deep within their subconscious mind.
Dream Interpretation - Instructions How to Interpret and Analyze Your Dreams
You can interpret your dreams!
Your dreams are full of symbols and allegories. (Stories that are told that have a meaning other than the story itself.) When you venture into the realm of dream interpretation you must try to decode your dream, you need to dissect it into the separate fragments and examine each for its particular meaning. Each one contains a small nugget of the whole picture. Dreams are composed of a collage of little parts of your own life experience that are stored away in your brain symbolically.
Simply using a dictionary of dreams can be misleading, because these interpretations had a value to the composer of the list, which may have been a part of his or her personal experience. Someone else’s experiences don’t create the same symbols that your own mind has created. You need to develop your own set of interpretations for the symbols that are particular to your own life’s experiences.
Divide and conquer!
That is one of the basic strategies that military commanders have known since antiquity. Splitting your opponent’s concentrated power into sizable chunks makes it that much easier to overcome him. Then he can be taken out piece by piece. This is the strategy to use in dream interpretation, Divide and analyze!
Here are some of the basic parts in most dreams:
You. You are directly involved or observing yourself.
Other actors. Each one is a separate actor.
The scene. There can be more than one.
The action. There can be more than one.
The object. There can be a theme or an object involved.
The end result. End results are not present in all dreams.
The technique: Take every part of the dream and separate it from the rest. Use a separate piece of paper to record your observations. With each part do the following: Recalling from your own memory; what feelings this part has for you, what memories does it evoke, who and what does it remind you of, what impression do you have for it. Add every notion you can come up with. Restrict your analysis strictly to each individual part, and not how it played a role in the dream.
After you have done this with all the parts, review what is going on in your life at the present time. Now you are ready to fit the puzzle together. Remember, you are the only one who has the information to make the final interpretation. It’s all stored in the memory bank of your brain.

is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information.
How to develop your sixth sense
Everyone has it.
Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive.
This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body.
Nothing to fear.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons.
Thanks to the media and to religion, it has been misrepresented and as a result, people associate the spirit world with fear and trepidation.
A person has more to fear going to their car in the parking lot after work than from those souls in the spirit world. Contrary to the media’s misrepresentations, those in spirit do not have physical bodies to carry out evil deeds like some thug in a parking lot.
It is scientific.
Every human being is equipped from birth with what they need to communicate with the spirit world from where they came, and to where they will eventually go when they give up their physical body.
This is the same scientific phenomenon that works in the transmission of electronic information such as the television or radio. These require that you tune into a particular band or frequency to get the program that you want. The sixth sense is similar in that it requires tuning in to another person’s frequency or to the frequency of someone in the spirit world.
Electronic tuning is done through electronic means that is mechanical in nature. Spiritual tuning is done through the brain with mental focus, intent and desire being the means.
Mental tuning.
Although, tuning by mental focus is inconsistent and capricious, while electronic tuning is reliable, consistent and tangible, it is no less scientific. The difference being that psychic and medium communication is in its infancy as far as future development goes. It has a scientific basis for its manifestation because all things that happen work according to scientific laws, even by laws that haven’t been discovered yet. Consider technology that we take for granted, anyone that would have predicted one hundred years ago where we would be today, would have been laughed to scorn. So it is with mediums and communication with the so-called dead, it is a science in its infancy.
You’ve already had contact.
One doesn’t have to be a practiced medium or an ordained saint to make contact with the souls from the spirit world. At one time or another, everyone that is alive today has seen them, heard from them, been touched by them, smelled them, either while in the waking state or through a dream. Those that can’t recall having the experience are not aware of the signs or, because of fear and ignorance programmed through religion, are in denial. This is the first step in development of your sixth sense, recognizing the times that you have been touched by those in the spirit world.
There are several components to each dream category:

Dreams from the physical body Dreams from the spiritual realm
Psychological Precognitive and future
New information or knowledge
The deceased or spirit guides visit you.

Food: Did you ever notice that when you take a nap after you’ve eaten lunch that you can have some crazy images go through your mind. The same thing happens at night too, because food can trigger some wild and wacky dreams. If you enjoy these psychedelic excursions, then take note of what you had to eat before hand and repeat the process. On the other hand, if you’re not interested, then take note of what you ate and make certain to avoid eating whatever it was. Food is one of the generators of dreams, which are not worth interpreting.
Health Your subconscious knows a lot about you that you don’t, or maybe don’t care to know. Often times it will tell you something about your practices or lifestyle to tip you off about what its needs are. In dreams it tries to get the point across to you, sometimes politely, at other times not so.
Psychology: Stressful relationships and social situations can cause our mind to get out of kilter but our subconscious intervenes to straighten things out.
Dreams from the spiritual world

Those special visits, instructions, lessons and guidance that we receive that are sometimes (but not always) interwoven with one of those mundane dreams your body generates. They are hidden and disguised because you are not supposed to know where the information is coming from. Like it’s a big secret. You are led to think that you dreamed up all those unique thoughts and ideas all by your little ol’ self. The bad news is that they occur much less frequently than the run of the mill physical dreams. The good news is that when you do experience them, you get the feeling that something special has occurred. Even if you can’t figure out what it means, there is a profound sense of purpose or message behind it. When experienced, they become landmarks in many people’s lives leaving them with a permanent and unforgettable impression of otherworldliness embedded deep within their subconscious mind.
Dream Interpretation - Instructions How to Interpret and Analyze Your Dreams
You can interpret your dreams!
Your dreams are full of symbols and allegories. (Stories that are told that have a meaning other than the story itself.) When you venture into the realm of dream interpretation you must try to decode your dream, you need to dissect it into the separate fragments and examine each for its particular meaning. Each one contains a small nugget of the whole picture. Dreams are composed of a collage of little parts of your own life experience that are stored away in your brain symbolically.
Simply using a dictionary of dreams can be misleading, because these interpretations had a value to the composer of the list, which may have been a part of his or her personal experience. Someone else’s experiences don’t create the same symbols that your own mind has created. You need to develop your own set of interpretations for the symbols that are particular to your own life’s experiences.
Divide and conquer!
That is one of the basic strategies that military commanders have known since antiquity. Splitting your opponent’s concentrated power into sizable chunks makes it that much easier to overcome him. Then he can be taken out piece by piece. This is the strategy to use in dream interpretation, Divide and analyze!
Here are some of the basic parts in most dreams:
You. You are directly involved or observing yourself.
Other actors. Each one is a separate actor.
The scene. There can be more than one.
The action. There can be more than one.
The object. There can be a theme or an object involved.
The end result. End results are not present in all dreams.
The technique: Take every part of the dream and separate it from the rest. Use a separate piece of paper to record your observations. With each part do the following: Recalling from your own memory; what feelings this part has for you, what memories does it evoke, who and what does it remind you of, what impression do you have for it. Add every notion you can come up with. Restrict your analysis strictly to each individual part, and not how it played a role in the dream.
After you have done this with all the parts, review what is going on in your life at the present time. Now you are ready to fit the puzzle together. Remember, you are the only one who has the information to make the final interpretation. It’s all stored in the memory bank of your brain.


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