
When some one dies, few people from the village goes to dig the burial pit. 6x4.

 Now a days due to political division those who call themselves great Hindu supporters of particular party and person in a village don't go to a other political party worker who is an Hindu.

The village is a group of different families, caste.

The once uniformed family might be split up and formed multiple houses instead of one and further generation kept adding to family. 

The joining factor is that the home god. The god goddesses of house are particularly located in for away place from the village.

The crying happens through out the process till and after burial.

The wooden piece is burnt infront of the house. It's symbol of death in the house.

Shamiyana will be arranged for chair and protect from the burning sun and gutsy wind and rain.

Dead body will be given a  last wash. New clothes were put on , alankara  will be done.

People, relatives brings flowers, garlands, incense sticks , coconut and clothes as offerings.

People do Puja to dead body. The died people becomes the protectors of the lineage. 

The thamate person comes into the picture. He keeps bating tamate.

Pujari or priest comes to the picture. He do his Puja and hum the mantras. 

The dead body before taken to burial site is kept at 3 places. 

The people carry on shoulder or on tractor to the burial site.

The foot will be towards purva.

The mandakki, coins , flowers are thrown at the front of the procession.

Near the burial site people give away or donate slippers, umbrella to the elderly person.


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