Maternal Death
Maternal death is the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes. To facilitate the identification of maternal deaths in circumstances in which cause of death attribution is inadequate, a new category has been introduced: Pregnancy-related death is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of death. (WHO)
Maternal deaths drastically decreased in the country with an increase in the health facilities and clinical primary services at the village level. National Health Mission heavily funded the growth of the health sector in the country. ASHA plays a pivotal role in minimizing maternal deaths at the village level. ASHA is a volunteer. She is selected by the Gram Panchayat. She is the widow, daughter in law, divorcee of the village. The concept of doctor should be left only with true doctors rather than addressing other professionals and practitioners as doctors.
Maternal deaths drastically decreased in the country with an increase in the health facilities and clinical primary services at the village level. National Health Mission heavily funded the growth of the health sector in the country. ASHA plays a pivotal role in minimizing maternal deaths at the village level. ASHA is a volunteer. She is selected by the Gram Panchayat. She is the widow, daughter in law, divorcee of the village. The concept of doctor should be left only with true doctors rather than addressing other professionals and practitioners as doctors.
Deaths during pregnancy arising out of clinical shortcomings are not the lonely reason for maternal death. The maternal deaths arising due to Socio-Economic reasons must also be included in this group. Deaths arising out of accidents during the maternal death stipulated period also needs to be addressed as maternal death. As it will help the administration to bring some changes with reference to similar circumstances.