Mother and child health of Haveri district for the ear 2016-17
Total of 29292 ANC's registered, 23280 deliveries, 23093 live birth, 299 still birth, 314 child deaths, 14 maternal deaths reported during the financial year 2016-17 with the MMR of 61 and IMR of 14.
Total of 23280 deliveries reported in the district during the year 2016-17. There are 23241 institutional deliveries out of which 17468 deliveries have taken place in the government institution and 5773 deliveries have taken place in the private institutions. In Government Institution 4848 deliveries are reported from the 24/7 primary health centre, 1772 deliveries are reported from community health centre, 6787 deliveries are reported from taluka hospital, 4516 deliveries reported from the district hospital.39 Home deliveries also reported in the district.

Out of 4848 deliveries held in the 24/7 primary health center 45.05%deliveries have taken during the night and 54.95 % deliveries have taken place during the day. 1351 deliveries are reported to be referred out of the primary health center due to complication or for need of higher facility treatment.

Out of 4848 deliveries held in the 24/7 primary health center 45.05%deliveries have taken during the night and 54.95 % deliveries have taken place during the day. 1351 deliveries are reported to be referred out of the primary health center due to complication or for need of higher facility treatment.

2951 C-sections are reported from the Private institutions. More number of C- sections conducted in the Ranebennur taluka.
Out of reported 14 maternal deaths occured with in the district, 3 maternal deaths reported during pregnancy period,2 maternal deaths reported during delivery and 9 maternal deaths reported with in 42 days of delivery . NO maternal deaths were reported from the shiggaon and savanur taluk.