World milk day summary
World Milk Day is celebrated on the 1st of June every year. The number 1 symbolizes authority, importance, prominence, leadership over other things, essentiality. June is the 6th month in the calendar. The milk is white and which symbolizes truth, and purity. Milk is authority, importance, prominence, and leadership over other things, essentiality, trading commodity, important factor in the economy. The scarcity of milk could bring chaos in the system. The World Milk Day is marked to celebrate the contributions of the milk and dairy sector to the human population around the globe.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations established World Milk in 2001. The world milk day is celebrated with different themes each year. The theme for the year 2022.
Milk is always obtained from mother after giving birth to a child. Mother is universal, either livestock, humans, or any other species excluding exceptions if any. Human Baby feeds on milk for immunity for entire life. The same infant livestock is separated from her mother to extract more milk for human consumption in one or the other way. In this paper I wish to summarize and extract the importance of milk and need to have quality check on the adulteration. The importance to have quality feeding and milk extraction methods.
World is agrarian economy by and large. The world is invariably depending up on the agriculture and dairy irrespective of the boom and zoom in the industrialization and information technology. The milk served in the morning, along with the cup of coffee or tea. Milk is a staple in the diets.
Milk Nutrition facts per 249 grams of Cow’s Milk with 3.25% fat.
Calories 152
Water 88%
Protein 8.14 grams
Carbs 12 grams
Sugar 12 grams
Fiber 0 grams
Fat 8 grams
Milk proteins
Milk is a rich source of protein.
• Insoluble milk proteins are called casein.
o Casein forms 80% of protein in milk
o Important property is its ability to increase the absorption of minerals, such as calcium and phosphorous.
o It may also promote lower blood pressure.
• Soluble milk proteins are known as whey proteins.
o It counts to 20% of the protein content in milk
o It is rich in branched – chain amino acids (BCAAs) – such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
o Associated with decreased blood pressure and improved mood during the period of stress,
o Whey protein is excellent for growing and maintaining muscles.
Milk Fats
Whole milk straight from the cow is 4% fat.
Milk fat is one of the most complex of all natural fats, containing about 400 different types of fatty acids. Whole milk is very high in saturated fats, which make up about 70% of its fatty acids content. Polyunsaturated fats are present in minimal amounts, making up around 2.3% of the total fat content. Monounsaturated fats make up the rest about 27.7% of the total fat content Milk fats
Fats %
Saturated fats 70.00
Polyunsaturated fats 2.30
Monounsaturated fats 27.7%
Trans pats in processed foods, dairy Trans fats- also called ruminant trans fats- are considered beneficial for health, Milk contains small amount of Trans fats, such as vaccenic acid and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
In many countries, marketing of milk is mainly based on fat content,
Country Whole milk fat % Reduced fat milk % Low flat milk % Production Milk Consumption in 2021
Thousand metric Tons
India 194800 83,000
USA 3.25 2 1 21,000
EU 23,900
China 14,501
Brazil 11,120
Russia 6,990
UK 6,280
Ukraine 4,960
Mexico 4,149
Japan 4,050
Canada 2,835
Australia 2,470
Argentina 1,710
FSSAI- Food Safety and Standards Regulations (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 Categorization of Milk Products and their Standards
Si No Species Minimum Milk Fat% Minimum SNF %
01 Buffalo Milk 6.0 9.0
02 Cow Milk 3.2 8.3
03 Goat Milk & Sheep Milk 3.0-3.5 9.0
04 Camel Milk 2.0 6.0
Si No Class of Milk Minimum Milk Fat% Minimum SNF %
01 Standardized Milk 4.5 8.5
02 Toned Milk 3.0 8.5
03 Double Toned Milk 1.5 9.0
04 Skimmed Milk Not more than 0.5 8.7
05 Full Cream 6.0 9.0
Attribute Details
By Type Single Toned Milk
Double Toned Milk
Standardized Milk
Full Cream Milk
Boiled Milk
Mixed Milk
Recombined Milk
Skimmed Milk
By Variety Flavoured
By Distribution Channel Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
Convenience Stores
Online Retail
By Geography North America
Asia Pacific
South America
Middle East & Africa
Carbohydrates in milk are mainly in the form of the simple sugar lactose, which makes up around 5%. In digestive system, lactose breaks down into glucose and galactose. These are absorbed into your bloodstream, at which point your liver converts galactose into glucose.. Some people lack the enzyme required to breakdown lactose. This condition is called lactose intolerance.
Vitamins and Minerals
Milk contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary to sustain growth and development in a young calf/ infant during its first months of life. It’s one of the nutritious food available on the planet.
• Vitamin B12
• Calcium
• Riboflavin
• Phosphorous
• Fortified Vitamin D: fortification if the process of adding mineral or vitamins to food products.
Milk Hormones
More 50 different hormones are naturally present in cow’s milk, which are important for the development of a newborn calf.
IGF-1 Insulin like Growth factor cow milk factor
Bovine growth hormone – it’s only biologically active in cows and has no effect in people.
Health benefits of Milk.
Cow’s milk positively affect bones and blood pressure.
Osteoporosis – a condition characterized by a disease in bone deficiency – is the main risk factor for bone fractures among older adults.
Blood Pressure- dairy products have been linked to a reduced risk of high blood pressure.
Possible adverse effects
Lactose intolerance – lactose, or milk sugar, is the main carbohydrate found in milk.
Milk allergy – more frequently in young children.
Milk Processing Methods
Raw milk is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma, eczema, and allergies. Raw milk is more natural than processed milk.
In healthy cows, milk does not contain any bacteria. It’s during the milking process, transport, or storage that milk gets contaminated with bacteria – either from the cow itself or from the environment.
• Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to destroy potentially harmful bacteria that are occasionally found in raw milk.
• Homogenization is the process of breaking these fat globules into smaller units. This is done by heating the milk and pumping it through narrow pipes at high pressure.