Priority Setting , Monitoring and Evaluation (PME )
Priority Setting , Monitoring and Evaluation (PME )
PME cell
PME cell monitors and evaluates the research progress and coordinates research and technical activities. It also facilitates and monitors the research publications, research project files, technical correspondence, and compilation of technical reports.
Functions of PME cell
To coordinate and synthesize the recommendations of QRT - quick response team, RAG - Red Amber Green (In project management, RAG (RAG report, RAG status, or Delivery Confidence Assessment) is an acronym that stands for Red Amber Green and relates to project status reporting which is utilized by project managers to indicate how well a certain project is performing. In fact, the RAG reporting system is a popular project management method for rating status reports and it's based on traffic light color designations.
When using RAG reporting, project managers utilize the colors red, amber (yellow), and green to signify different scale ratings. RAG is a shorthand for identifying the project status, but there has to be something substantive behind the shorthand. Many companies make up their own definitions and tolerances for what makes a project ‘Red’ so if you have these already, work within their boundaries. If you are setting up RAG for your project, or within your PMO, then think about what you want the statuses to mean for you.), IRC - Institute Research Committee, Vision documents of institute and IGAR (Integrating the Gender Analysis into Research) to recommend research priorities of the institution for shortlisting priority researchable problems across crop(s)/divisions/programs, commodity/livestock etc. at the institution level. (Priority setting)
The Cell primarily looks after the following
- Recommending research priorities of the Institute for short listing priority researchable problems at the Institute level.
- Processing of RPPI, RPPII and RPPIII of Institute projects.
- Coordinating and arranging annual monitoring of on-going projects and evaluation of completed projects through internal and external experts.
- Routing of externally funded projects through Cell after ascertaining that they fall under the mandate and priority research areas of the Institute.
- Processing and sending of :
a. Monthly report to the Cabinet Secretariat/PMOs Office
b. Reports to DARE/ICAR like DARE Report, ICAR Reporter, ICAR News etc - Facilitating processing and approval for publications of/from the Institute viz., research papers, popular articles, books, brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, seminar/conference abstracts etc.
- Maintaining a database on all ICAR funded and Externally funded projects (completed and on-going), publications, technologies developed, patents, consultancies, training undertaken since inception. projects. For this purpose, an initiative is taken to prepare a computerized database (CIFT-PME Information Portal), which is in the final stage.
- Maintaining a database of publications of the Institute viz., research papers, popular articles, books, brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, seminar/conference abstracts and papers, Annual Report Newsletter etc
- Facilitating the Knowledge Management activities of the Institute
a. To collect and endorse copies of the Report of Projects etc. to Library/AKMU for further documentation - To coordinate the Public Relations Activities of the Institute:
a. To finalize and issue Press releases/reports
b. To facilitate and attend to the requests received in the Feedback option in CIFT Website - To facilitate verification of the CAS documents of Scientists
- To attend to the Parliament/ LokSabha questions/Requests from MP/MLA/Minster etc. on a priority basis
Constitution of PME cell
> One Principal Scientist as In-charge
> One to three Technical Officers (depending on institution size)
> Required secretarial assistance