Gayatri mantra
There are 26 gods in gayatri mantra
tat - ganesh
sa - Narasimha
vi - vishnu
tu - siva
va - krishna
re - radha
Ni - lakshmi
yam - agni
bha - indra
Rga - saraswati
dE - durga
va - hanuman
sya - prithvi
dhee - surya
ma - Sriram
hi - seetha
dhi - chandra
yO - yama
ya - brahma
na - varuna
chO - hayagreeva
da - hamsa
yaat - tulasi
uttaraataara kopitaa | madhyamaalupta taarakaa |
adhamasooryasahitaa | praataha sandhyaatridhaamata ||
it means, best time for chanting gayatri mantra is when stars are still seen in sky before sunrise, medium time is when stars meet sun, worst time is after stars disappear and only sun remains in sky.
Thats why ancestors practice mantras in \'braha muhurtam\' around 4am.
ashtottaram sahasramva ashtottara satam tuva |
ashtaavimsati revaada gatarrim dasakam japet |
One should chant 1008 times, or 108 time of 28 times or atleast 10 times a day.
agnirmukham, brahmasirah
vishnur hridayam, rudrassikhA
gayatri has fire in face, brahma the creator in forehead, vishnu the protector in heart and Siva the destroyer on top of head.
So its a combination of all gods.

Gayathri Manthra should be chanted 3 times a day - 4 to 8 AM, 4 to 8 PM are Sattvik times. 8AM to 4PM is Rajsik. 8PM to 4AM is Tamasik.
The best time to chant Gayathri is around 6AM, 12 Noon and 6PM. Goddess Gaythri confers the boon of Intelligence as Gayathri, Protection as Savithri and Learning as Saraswathi. Gayathri is therefore called Sarvadevata Swarupini.
By chanting at least twice a day - morning and evening - the sin committed unknowingly that day are destroyed and left over Karma is burnt. The person gets closer and closer to Divinity.
Chant the Mantra 3 times when you are having a bath - it will serve the dual purpose of chanting as well as performing Abisheka to the Mantra. Chant 3 times before eating - you would have not only purified the food, but also offered the food to the Mantra. If you do it everyday, you need not chant any other Mantra. It protects you from calamities and confers upon you intelligence, learning and success.
— with Helen Eneran Costa.There are 26 gods in gayatri mantra
tat - ganesh
sa - Narasimha
vi - vishnu
tu - siva
va - krishna
re - radha
Ni - lakshmi
yam - agni
bha - indra
Rga - saraswati
dE - durga
va - hanuman
sya - prithvi
dhee - surya
ma - Sriram
hi - seetha
dhi - chandra
yO - yama
ya - brahma
na - varuna
chO - hayagreeva
da - hamsa
yaat - tulasi
uttaraataara kopitaa | madhyamaalupta taarakaa |
adhamasooryasahitaa | praataha sandhyaatridhaamata ||
it means, best time for chanting gayatri mantra is when stars are still seen in sky before sunrise, medium time is when stars meet sun, worst time is after stars disappear and only sun remains in sky.
Thats why ancestors practice mantras in \'braha muhurtam\' around 4am.
ashtottaram sahasramva ashtottara satam tuva |
ashtaavimsati revaada gatarrim dasakam japet |
One should chant 1008 times, or 108 time of 28 times or atleast 10 times a day.
agnirmukham, brahmasirah
vishnur hridayam, rudrassikhA
gayatri has fire in face, brahma the creator in forehead, vishnu the protector in heart and Siva the destroyer on top of head.
So its a combination of all gods.

Gayathri Manthra should be chanted 3 times a day - 4 to 8 AM, 4 to 8 PM are Sattvik times. 8AM to 4PM is Rajsik. 8PM to 4AM is Tamasik.
The best time to chant Gayathri is around 6AM, 12 Noon and 6PM. Goddess Gaythri confers the boon of Intelligence as Gayathri, Protection as Savithri and Learning as Saraswathi. Gayathri is therefore called Sarvadevata Swarupini.
By chanting at least twice a day - morning and evening - the sin committed unknowingly that day are destroyed and left over Karma is burnt. The person gets closer and closer to Divinity.
Chant the Mantra 3 times when you are having a bath - it will serve the dual purpose of chanting as well as performing Abisheka to the Mantra. Chant 3 times before eating - you would have not only purified the food, but also offered the food to the Mantra. If you do it everyday, you need not chant any other Mantra. It protects you from calamities and confers upon you intelligence, learning and success.
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