
Showing posts from 2013


Yesterday I was lost. I was lost in some other period for nearly 3 hours. I went to a person to talk about few things. When I sat in front of him. I told every thing about myself. His age could be around 50-55. He was tall and stronger. He was talking with me in a  very narrative format. He was collecting information from me one by one. He is good in mathematics. He is good in astrology. He is good in palmistry. He glanced through my palms. He made me to sit quiet thinking about the god we worship at our home Sri Veerabadreshvara. He said you are true. You don't like others money, you don't like hurting others. You are forget things easily. and discussion continued. He told me about my past. He told me language that I could understand.

Time is perennial.

Time is perennial. Time and tide waits for none. Each and every minute of ones life is a teacher who never comes back. It is the duty of the pupil to understand and study the meaning and essence of each lessons taught by that particular teacher.  With the passage of time and understanding of the learning, one could make out the differences. There is nothing permanent in this world. The subject of being permanent and permanent are 2 different things. It is ones vision to see what is permanent and what is not. For few souls is permanent and for few sun is permanent, for few death and taxes are permanent.  I never heard an thief paying the taxes. I never heard an Sanyasi souls being declared dead. Who is thief and who is not thief in this world? Who could say they never stole anything in this world. Everyone starts stealing write from the mother womb. When a lady announces that she is pregnant steals the show of the family. A child in the womb steals the happiness and l...

Mysore Maharaja only for Mysore?

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Government employee

In Govt sector if everyone performs his assigned duties and tasks on time. There will be great joyous relief for the great Indian Pseudomonas economic appreciation in the near future!

Bad Habbit

      I am not a bad guy by birth. I started reading it as just another book. It was not part of my life. Slowly like cigarette smokers and drinkers I too in one way became addicted to reading. It consumed me. It in a way and passionately poisoned my thoughts and ideology.  I tried my best during last few years to stop reading but I couldn't.              Along with the home stress and economic problem made me to read. However, Today I am putting an end to this habit of reading. However, the remarks of others will lives long. Still, I start my new life.          New Year new resolution stop reading. Reading is not a bad habit. Reading is of different type one could be book reading another could be face reading and the list of reading goes on. I am not leaving the reading itself.  But, I am leaving only that part of reading which enslaved me for these...

Bride for my marriage

Today another tall girl rejected me. Recently some 2 weeks I went to see a girl in near by village. She was our distant relative and she was from posh well to do family. I went in a normal dress code. I went along with my cousin. We went together on his TVS.


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"What does a Life Path number of 4 mean?"

You are practical, down to earth with strong ideas about right and wrong. Mallikarjunaiah, you are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled, you are decisive and methodical employing a step by step rational approach to problems solving. Once committed you do not give up easily! You are not one for 'get rich quick' schemes. Rather you use hard work and long hours to build a business or career- you seek to establish a solid foundation. Precise, tenacious and persevering, you have great potential for success, but only after putting out effort and overcoming the limitations you so often encounter. Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a cornerstone in the community. Though not an idealist, you are willing to work for a better world in a realistic way. However, you can be rigid in your ideas and sometimes too quick in judging your fellow man. You are loyal to those you love and work well with others. It is importan...

Solitude Vs Loneliness - The Hermit

What's the difference between solitude and loneliness?   The difference is solitude is something you WANT and feel comfortable with, a peaceful, relaxing and inspirational space, and loneliness is an UNWANTED experience of being on your own. One of the greatest fears we have is the fear of loneliness, especially the loneliness that we feel when we are without a lover. This fear traps many of us into unfulfilling or destructive relationships, or leads us into pursuing the wrong person just to AVOID being on our own. Why do you feel lonely? What can you do to help turn unwanted loneliness into welcome solitude? Do you believe you can transform your loneliness into solitude? I believe you can. Focus on contemplating positive opportunities and outcomes. Spend your time reflecting on past joys and accomplishments. Consider what you can do with your life to create more satisfaction and fulfillment. The Hermit is saying 'take your time and chill out, don...


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Don't make your ladder down infront of the audience!

Today I was in a meeting. This meeting was indeed chaired by an regular employee and rest or all contractual employees. Account assistant was expressing her grievances and work load and stated she is doing lot of work. And his program manager is not at all working.


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About me fw things

Character     I am a lover of all that is beautiful, whether it is a work of art, a pleasant landscape or a person of good appearance. Not only I value beauty as measured by the eye, but I am attracted also by beauty in other forms. Good music appeals to me, a good character possessed by individual appeals to me. I am a connoisseur of everything that is above ordinary. I have a gift for making other people happy. I know how to comfort those who are troubled and I know how to make them pleased with themselves. This is a rare gift and there are not enough people like me in the world. I am not as practical as some people, and in keeping appointments, I am not too punctual. I am somewhat over-. But my displeasure does not show itself in the form of a squabble. Disharmony is a thing I must avoid at all costs. May be, I nurse a grievance, but this is something that others are never allowed to sense. I keep it strictly to myself. I am a courageous person. Occ...