From Health To Wealth, An Indian Story of Success - TOI 25-07-22
GDP: during 1960 it was $0.04 trillion, during 2021 it was $3.18 trillion. Per capital Net National Income: during 1950-51 it was Rs.265 and during 2021-22 it was Rs.150326. The per capita net national income is 567.2679 times higher. International Trade (% of GDP); during 1960 it was 11.3%, increased to 55.6% during 2010 and during 2020 it was 37.9% Net Export of Food Grains: During 1951 it was -4.8 million tonnes, 2020 it was 5.9 million tonnes. Indian moved from the stages of starvation to self-sufficient country in food grains. Milk Production: 1950 the milk production was 17 million tonnes, and in 2019-20 it was 198.4 million tonnes. Egg Production: 1950 it was 1832 million numbers and during 2019-20 it was 114383. Fish Production: during 1950-51 it was 752 thousand tonnes, and 2019-20 it was 14070 thousand tonnes. Literacy rate: the literacy rate in the country during 18.3% in 1951 and it increased to 77.7 in 2017. Horticulture & Food grains Production: during 1001-02 it...