HINDUISM. Let the knowledge come to us from every direction ~ Rigveda
HINDUISM Let the knowledge come to us from every direction ~ Rigveda 1. You believe in God? Aastik - Accepted. 2. You don't believe in God? You're accepted as Nastik. 3. You want to worship idols? Go ahead. You are a murti pujak. 4. You don't want to worship idols? No problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman. 5. You want to criticise something in our religion? Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools. 6. You want to accept beliefs as it is? Most welcome. 7. You want to start your journey by reading Bhagavad Gita ? Sure! 8. You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads? Why not? 9. You want to start your journey by reading Purana ? Be my guest. 10. You just don't like reading Puranas or other books? No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition. ( bhakti- devotion) 11. You don't like the idea of Bhakti? What's the problem? ...