
Showing posts from May, 2013

Bank officer

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Naxal attack

                  Recently naxalites attacked the politicians in North India. People said it by different names. People sympathized with the dead ones. The political parties called this incident as atrocity on humanity. The political leaders called this as uncivilized people atrocity.                  If I take a pre tour of this incident. It was not an good video to be watched. It is fearsome and troublesome with lots of cry and shout. People thrown out of their  centuries old habitat. People became home less, people became job less, people became poor, people lost their attachment with the nearest environment. People lost the place they worship. Everything the native people worshiped was cut by the heavy vehicles.                 ...

Examination centre selection

Now a days applying online for government sector and bank jobs had became a common phenomenon. While updating the data candidate updates his name and birth date as per 10th marks card. While selecting examination center we need to select the city which is nearer to us and terrain is known to us. If we select the city whose terrain is not known to us we keep searching for the examination center and reach the examination hall late and return home with the sad face.

Respected CM of Karnataka

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Tend to forgive other person mistakes very often.

Tend to forgive other person mistakes very often. And the end  result is painful.